Welcome to Granville Central School
If you have any questions or concerns regarding registration, please email Bridget Liebig, District Registrar or call at 518-642-1051 Ext. 1309. Here is the link to email Ms. Liebig
Vermont Students: The Following are Required Forms for Vermont Students Attending Jr/Sr High School
BRSU Students
Here is the link for the Tuition Request Form AND Declaration of Residency in VT Form -
For Mettawee School District (Towns of Pawlet and Rupert),
Taconic and Green Regional School District (Towns of Danby, Dorset, Landgrove, Londonderry, Manchester, Mt. Tabor, Peru, Sunderland, Weston), and
Winhall School District (Town of Winhall)
GRSCU (Wells, VT)
CHANGE OF INFORMATION FORM: For Address Change, Please Provide Proof of Residency