To streamline bus route communications while we manage a temporary driver shortage due to illness and medical leave, please make note of the following bus schedule changes for March 3/13 - 3/28.
As always, if you are able to, please transport your student to school in the morning or pick up your student in the afternoon.
For afternoon family pick up at GES or MJT, please call the main office to notify staff who is picking up your student.
GES Main Office (518) 642-1051 Ext. 3202
MJT Main Office (518) 642 -1051 Ext. 4201
Bus Schedule Updates for 3/13 - 3/28
These buses will take turns starting their morning and afternoon routes as follows::
Morning Route: 9am Start
Afternoon Route: 4:25pm Start
Thursday, 3/13 - FOX BUS
Friday, 3/14 - NO SCHOOL: Superintendent Conference Day
Monday, 3/17 - ELEPHANT BUS
Tuesday, 3/18 - BUTTERFLY BUS
Wednesday, 3/19 - HORSE BUS
Thursday, 3/20 - ALLIGATOR BUS
Friday, 3/21 - GIRAFFE BUS
Monday 3/24 - ALLIGATOR BUS
Tuesday, 3,25 - CAT BUS
Wednesday, 3/26 - ELEPHANT BUS
Thursday, 3/27 - FOX BUS
Friday, 3/28 - HORSE BUS
Here is a link to a printable calendar view of this schedule.
Here is a link to a printable list view of this schedule.
This post will be emailed and direct messaged to school families as well.
Thank you.
- Granville CSD Transportation
Questions? Please contact Ms. Sklar, Transportation Director (518) 642-0660