Here is the link to this week's updates: Enjoy your Winter Break! See you back at school on Monday, Feb 24th.
about 13 hours ago, Granville Central School District
Thank you to our Granville NY PTO! Last Friday, they hosted a FREE "Snowflake Shake" family fun dance at MJT. Games, snacks, music and balloons all were available for our PreK and Kindergarten families. If you have a fun picture from the dance, please share it in the comments. (Stay tuned for a 5th and 6th grade, PTO Glow Party on March 13th!) All school families are welcome to join the PTO whether you can volunteer once a year, help out in other ways or can become a regular volunteer, you are welcome.
3 days ago, Granville Central School District
PTO Board members Audrey, Amanda, Jackie and Meghan and MJT Principal Taylor
Kiddos having fun at the PTO Snowflake Shake family fun dance at MJT
Fox Bus Families #129: Family transport is needed for AFTERNOON FOX BUS routes for all schools today, 2/11. Please communicate with your building secretary as to whom will pick up your student. A bus will be available at 4pm to pick up students from their school who do not have a ride home. Thank you for assistance.
4 days ago, Granville Central School District
Due to staffing shortages from driver illness, the following bus routes will need family transport to school tomorrow morning, Tuesday 2/11: The Giraffe Bus for all schools. The Fox Bus for high school route only. Students without family transport, we will be running the routes starting at 9am for morning pick up.
5 days ago, Granville Central School District
This Week at Granville CSD 2/10 - 2/14 - Spring Sports Sign Ups During Jr/Sr High P.E. Classes - Softball, Baseball, Tennis and Track & Field 2/10 - 2/14 - Spirit Week at Jr/Sr High with Daily Dress Up Theme Days 2/10 - Board of Education Meeting 6pm 2/12 - PTO Meeting - All School Families Welcome! 6pm 2/13 - Senior High Yearbook Recognition Ads Due (Details in District Calendar) 2/15 - PTO Sponsored Winter Break Bowling Starts (Details in the District Calendar) 2/17 - 2/21 - No School - Winter Break! All details are in the District Calendar Have a great Granville week!
5 days ago, Granville Central School District
This Week's Reminders from Granville CSD
Spirit Week at Granville Jr/Sr High - Feb 10 - Feb 14 2025
Board of Education Meeting Monday, February 10th 6:00 pm High School Library Meeting Agendas & Livestream link can be found on our website. Have Questions? Here is our District Contact Guide More detail in our District Calendar:
6 days ago, Granville CSD
See you tomorrow! Check out these tips to make mornings and getting to school run smoothly. #gohorde #granvilleny
6 days ago, Granville Central School District
Attendance Tips from Granville CSD
Community Resource! Free Prom Dresses in Whitehall, NY Next weekend, February 15th, 10am - 2pm Save the date! 87 Buckley Road, Whitehall, NY, Door F. If possible , RSVP to
6 days ago, Granville Central School District
Free Prom Dresses February 15th 10am - 2pm, 87 Buckley Road, Whitehall, NY, Door F. If possible , RSVP to
Congratulations to the teams headed to Sectionals this weekend. Boys and Girls Wrestling will be representing Granville! The Boys Wrestling Meet is in Greenville and is now available for purchase. Girls Wrestling will not be using the same system for tickets, so please check with the team. To purchase a ticket to attend Sectionals, please visit the following NYSPHSAA organized website: Then enter "section 2" in the search box. Then select the event you would like to attend. When purchasing please be prepared to bring a digital copy of your ticket to the event using the GoFan app. As a reminder, this is not a Granville CSD attendance fee nor is it a Granville CSD organized event. This is a NYSPHSAA organized event. For more information about how public high school championship events are organized and how tickets are sold please visit this page: Good luck to our teams! Granville CSD Athletic Department
11 days ago, Granville Central School District
Sectionals instructions for February 2025
Happy Sunday! Here are some health tips to keep your kids feeling well and avoid any unnecessary absences from school. Regular, on-time attendance is an important life skill that helps students succeed in and out of school. Show up 15 minutes early for school and enjoy a free breakfast to fuel up for the day. Looking forward to seeing your student tomorrow! #gohorde #granvillehorde
13 days ago, Granville Central School District
Health Tips for Great Attendance
Good afternoon, This week's updates from Granville CSD are on the blog: Have a good weekend!
15 days ago, Granville Central School District
Good Afternoon, All after-school activities have been cancelled today, Friday, January 31st, 2025, due to impending snow. Thank you!
15 days ago, Granville Central School District
weather alert from granville csd
Local Superintendents, including Granville Superintendent Tom McGurl, spoke at a press conference Tuesday, January 28th at the NY State Assembly in support of a bill, put forth by Asm. Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks), that would allow school districts to opt out of the electric bus mandate. The full press conference replay is on the following CBS6 Albany website:
16 days ago, Granville Central School District
McGurl at CBS6 Albany Jan 2025
Reminder: No School Today in Observance of Asian Lunar New Year Lunar New Year 2025 is the first time as an official state holiday in New York. To learn more about Asian Lunar New Year, check out this web page of Smithsonian Museum all about the holiday, it's traditions, food and more: Happy Lunar New Year to all our students and their friends and family who are celebrating!
17 days ago, Granville Central School District
lunar new year greeting
Remediation Complete! Here is the summary of our water testing results and remediation:
18 days ago, Granville Central School District
Come watch a home game and cheer on the Golden Horde! You do not have to have a student player in order to attend. Our teams would love encouraging support and positive energy in the stands. Dress in Granville blue, if you can! MJT and GES families, this is a free, fun family outing and your littles can imagine being one of the "big kids" one day. You can view our athletic game schedule for the Jr/Sr High on the homepage of our website and here is the direct link: Go Horde!
18 days ago, Granville Central School District
Athletic Schedule 24-25 link
This Week at Granville CSD... 1/28 - SENIORS: How to Pay for College and Vocational School, Financial Aid Workshop Details Here: 1/29 - NO SCHOOL - Lunar New Year 1/29 - FREE PARENTING WEBINAR - 10am - Understanding Children's Behaviors Details Here: 1/30 - FREE SPECIAL EDUCATION WEBINAR for PreK and Kindergarten Families - 5:30pm - Details Here: 1/31 - SIGN UP DUE: PTO Snowflake Shake for PreK and Kindergarten Families Details Here: 1/31 - INTEREST FORM DUE for Jr/Sr High: Would you like a Spirit Club t-shirt for your Jr/Sr High student for Spirit Night in March? Fill out this interest form: Come watch a home game this week! Here is the game schedule: Please fill out the Superintendent Search Survey by 2/6 District Calendar for All SchooL Event Details Have a great Granville week!
19 days ago, Granville Central School District
This Week from Granville CSD
Good Afternoon! The following blog post includes the weekly updates from each school and an invitation to provide feedback on the search for the new Superintendent of Schools: Thank you and have a good weekend!
22 days ago, Granville Central School District
Do you have the Granville CSD App? It's a must have! Download it for free in your favorite app store and check it once per week to get the latest.
22 days ago, Granville Central School District
Granville CSD APP image
Extreme Weather Reminders Students are welcome to wait indoors when arriving to school. At the Jr/Sr High, students are welcome in the building by 7:20 AM to warm up in the Junior High Gym with supervision or join in the cafeteria for a free breakfast. At GES, students not taking breakfast, can wait in the warm foyer for classes to start. And at MJT, PreK students can wait in the vestibule with their guardian, or in family car if they prefer, and all other bus and vehicle drop-offs go right into the building. Walkers should be encouraged to wear warm winter gear to school. If your student needs a coat or other winter gear, please contact your school nurse or Principal and we'll be glad to assist. At the Jr/Sr High, students are able to "shop for free" for warm clothing, winter jackets, socks, hats, personal care items and more in the Care Closet, located in the Junior High Guidance Office. Stop in anytime! Shopping bags available. Need heat assistance at home? Here is where to apply for Washington County, NY Heat Assistance, if needed: Stay warm!
24 days ago, Granville Central School District
Extreme Weather Conditions