December 8, 2022
The Granville Central School Indoor Walking Program will resume this week.
Months: December 9th, 2022 - April 6, 2023
Days: Monday - Friday (When school is in session)

November 30, 2022
Local Author Helps Bring History to Life
Identifying which books to include in the reading curriculum can be a difficult task. Teachers weigh a lot of factors before finalizi...

November 28, 2022
Granville Rotary Provides Mock Interviews at GHS Resurrecting a tradition that had been temporarily suspended during the pandemic, on November 28th, members of the Granville Ro...

November 18, 2022
Preparation Begins in the Classroom
Every class offered at Granville High School leaves an impression on the students. Some hit closer to home than others, but each classroom ...

November 10, 2022
Agriculture Program Helps Students Reach Their Potential It’s often that students will take learning habits developed in one class and apply them to the rest of their school wo...

October 31, 2022
Mr. Wheeler invited all of the Golden Horde Fall Athletes to the Night time Alien Hunt at Thistle Down Farms this past weekend.

October 28, 2022
Yesterday the Granville-Whitehall Cross Country team went to their League Championship meet and did extremely well!
The boys modified team had an undefeated season this year. T...

October 25, 2022
The Varsity Golf Team finished with a 12-2 overall record. They won the Adirondack League East Division for the second year in a row before losing to Hadley-Luzerne in the leagu...

October 14, 2022
Within the FFA unit for middle school CTE, 7th graders were challenged to complete a mock trial of CDE (Career Development Event) competitions that mimic the State FFA Convention....